Tests Show Whole Foods Bottled Water Brand Contains Elevated Levels of Arsenic
Bottled water manufactured by Whole Foods and sold under the name brand Starkey Spring

Product Recall Spike Expected in the Coming Months
The COVID-19 outbreak has brought changes to all aspects of our lives and how

Johnson & Johnson Announces It’s Pulling Its Popular Baby Powder from US and Canadian Markets amid Growing Cancer Concern
After years of controversy over its popular baby and adult hygiene products, Johnson &

Popular Cruise Ship Line Facing Legal Action over COVID-19 Deaths
Legal claims have been filed against Princess Cruise Lines after passengers died of COVID-19
Jimmy John’s Facing Accusations of Serving Tainted Vegetables
The FDA has issued a warning letter to Jimmy John’s claiming the sandwich shop

Consumer Safety Advocates Urge Warning for Dollar Tree Doll
Consumer safety advocates from the New York Department of State’s Division of Consumer Protection